Well, after another round of airline nightmares (my traveling companion–and Sweetheart–nearly got stranded in Chicago), both cats are safely home. Thanks for the suggestions about wire protectors–I wound up getting some cable conduit and have been rigging that up on vulnerable wiring. (Question for the bunny folks: how do you get electrical cords into PVC pipe? Do you have to use 1″ diameter PVC to get the plugs through?)
The cats are settling in with incredible speed–I had expected them to be freaked out for at least a couple of days, but aside from a little bit of tentativeness about strange people and loud noises (which would normally spook them anyway) you’d never know they’d moved at all. I think it’s because the entire house smells of me, so clearly it’s my territory, and since they own me clearly it must be their territory, too. Yesterday there were ten or eleven people over at the house for a meeting, and the Fuzz actually went wandering out, tail waving in the air, to collect his fair share of adoration. (Sweetheart is a bit more shy, and stayed in my room with me.)
Still, I’m astonished–when I took them to Maryland, they were really weirded out even though I was with them. But here, they’re perfectly comfortable. I think they really must remember me…!
(Yeah, I was a bit worried. It’s been two years…but it’s like they’d never left at all. 🙂 )
I’ve also discovered a new kind of cat litter that I’ll have to try when the current scoop litter runs out–this is kind of cool: silica sand. I’m not certain, but I *think* it’s the same stuff as in the little dehydrator packets stuck into bottles of vitamins, OTC medications, and so on–just absorbs moisture. Apparently if your cat pees on it, it absorbs the moisture instantly–and still feels dry to the touch (not that I intend to try)–and absolutely no odor. I’m going to ask a chemist friend how exactly the stuff works.
But I’ve been shopping, and I have all the usual cat paraphernalia–litterbox, scratching post, canned cat food, dry cat food, collars, catnip, a few cat toys, and, of course, the all-important human slave/cat toy (that would be me 🙂 ). It’s been wonderful having their little furry feet padding about–it’s like a part of me was missing and I wasn’t even aware of it until it came home. 🙂 I am quietly ecstatic.
Nothing much else new–I’ve mostly been traveling or out buying cat supplies the last few days. Oh! I got some absolutely *stunning* black satin angora from Elaine Harvey, it’s perfect for my latest spinning project. Might have to wait behind the angora/kid mohair/glitz socks I started knitting on the plane out, though. Nice and fuzzy and soft, though I don’t like the yarn much–I spun it as a fairly novice spinner so it is a lumpy-bumpy laceweight yarn. Pleasantly fuzzy in spots but also tight, kinky, and unpleasant in others. But it’s handspun and it’s kinda fun to work with, so…*shrug* Don’t know if I’ll finish them, we’ll see what happens.
The big project for next week (aside from settling a bunch of other stuff) is chocolate body parts. I have a Nubile Young Male ™ coming by on Tuesday so I can take a mold of certain body parts (no, not the ones you’re thinking of [grin]) and cast them in chocolate. I can’t say any more than that since it’s a surprise for a friend, but man, is it going to be WICKED. LOL
P.S. I’m republishing my blog now, which should fix the archive problem–I changed hosting plans on my ISP recently, which is probably causing part of the problem. If you keep having trouble, let me know, OK?