One of those things that makes you go “hmm”…
I had a dream last night where I was in the bathroom of my parents’ house, reaching for an old, crumbly box of Miracle-Gro (the water-soluble plant fertilizer you use on houseplants). The bag split open as I was reaching for it, and I saw a flash of something black-and-white moving, fast. Naturally I was worried, so I went upstairs and told Rob there was something loose downstairs. He said, “Oh, there’s a snake loose somewhere,” so I went back to see what it was. On the ceiling (!) was a black snake with a white speckly pattern on its back, which I figured was probably some kind of ratsnake””it obviously wasn’t a gopher snake or a California king, and there aren’t that many black snakes with that body type.
Anyway, the snake was on the ceiling, so I couldn’t get at it, so I went upstairs and got a broom handle (and Rob). Once we got it down, it turned into a turtle, which he said he was turtle-sitting for a friend. (Yes, “turtle-sitting”.) So we took it into the garage, where he gave it a pair of heating pads and we watched it walk around.
At this point I woke up, stretched, and slouched my way off to the bathroom. I turned towards the sink while reaching for the light switch”¦and there’s a snake. A big, black one. It’s in the sink.
Blink. Swap through mental images . Hmm. I turn on the light, and sure enough, there’s Astarte. (Don’cha know, all snakes are black in the dark. 😉 ) Apparently I didn’t fasten the cage well enough last night, and she went exploring.
So now I don’t know”¦it seems a bit too coincidental that I should dream of a loose snake the same night that my snake gets out. But what I want to know is”¦.when is that turtle arriving?