Roaches. And mice. Yergh.
Well, I did at least get a decent night’s sleep…
Off to San Antonio Agua Caliente, which is also renowned for its weaving…they do pieces like the elaborately brocaded piece I mentioned yesterday. Except it’s not brocade; they’re wrapping bits of weft around several strands of warp, one at a time, in what is essentially embroidery-while-weaving. The mind reels.
Fortunately, I zipped all my packs shut before I went to bed and kept the food on top of a table, so I’m pretty sure I haven’t picked up any visitors. (I hope.) I’m going to make another run through the market, then head out to San Antonio, and then back to Guatemala City. I’m also hoping to find a pharmacy that has doxycycline (an antimalarial), as I should really have started taking it a day or two ago, since malaria is endemic to Belize. Unfortunately, it’s not all that common a drug here, since Guatemala City/Antigua are too urban to have malaria.
And then, tomorrow, off to Belize!