…and I like it!!
I’m still coming up to speed (and am frankly a bit intimidated–it’s been a good five years since I last did program management). But thus far I think it’s a good gig–nice people, projects that I can really sink my teeth into, and a real chance to make a difference. Flash Lite is the Flash player for cell phones, so has the potential to deploy on a bazillion cell phones. I like the idea of working on something that might someday ship a billion units. Just think of it!
And on top of everything else, I have a snazzy new cell phone, courtesy of Macromedia. (Even nicer than the cell phone Openwave bought me. 🙂 ) This is a really nice phone–64MB memory, calendar, 1.3 megapixel camera (with a “real” flash!)–just shy of a PDA phone.
More to the point, of course, it also has Flash Lite on it. I’ve decided Flash Lite is way cool. I didn’t think so initially, but after I figured out how to load GAMES into it… 🙂
(Hey, that’s user testing. Critical to project success.)
Anyway, I’m settling in nicely.
I have spun up 167 yards of gray-white yarn for my laceweight shawl, and am starting to swatch out designs. I had planned to use “Frost Flowers” as the centerpiece of the design, but have realized that it doesn’t look good at lacey gauges–it really wants a smaller needle and tighter knitting than I want to give. So it’s back to the drawing board. Too bad, after spending an entire train ride charting and knitting up samples.
(Yep, that’s right. I’m taking the train to and from work now. I rather like it–a nice 45-minute ride during which I can knit, read, etc. to my heart’s content, rather than being stuck in traffic.)
I know, I know, I’m not saying much, but I’m still exhausted from trying to come up to speed. Maybe more in a few more weeks…