I’ve spent the last few months job-hunting (quietly–which is why I didn’t mention it) and have FINALLY landed the position of my dreams! I’ll be going to Macromedia and project managing Flash Lite–i.e. Flash for cell phones. Good, complex, relatively new product that will potentially be used on BILLIONS of cell phones (how many desktops out there run Flash Player?)–and I liked everyone I interviewed with, so very very very happy about it. I even got a small raise!
The best part is that Macromedia has just been acquired by Adobe, and Adobe employees get 4 weeks and 4 days of vacation per year! Is that cool or what??
I also passed my PMP exam, so I now have my professional certification. Passed the PMP AND got my offer letter on the same day! Good news all around.
I have been watching the footage and the news stories on New Orleans with mounting horror. It’s hard to imagine an entire city being wiped out all at once–makes you realize just how tenuous life really is. It’ll be a long time rebuilding. I hope New Orleans doesn’t lose its unique character in the rebuild. I also hope things work out OK for all the people who have been displaced, and who will have to wait three or four or more months to go back to their homes.
Fiber-wise, I have started knitting a Fair Isle sweater with a pattern out of Fair Isle Sweaters Simplified–it’s their “Windows” pattern, which is basically a black diamond pattern over a varying-color background. I’m working on the sleeves right now, working two sleeves on the same circular needle. I may swap over and work the sleeves on dpns, though–I much prefer double-pointed needles to circular needles for small circular work. I may also switch back over to bamboo circulars–I know the Addi Turbos are supposed to be quicker, but it’s much harder to control the yarn, and I’m still a beginner at Fair Isle.
And I have a new wheel! I went to Carolina Homespun and tried out the Majacraft Suzie and the Lendrum with fast flyer. I immediately fell in love with the Suzie, which was a problem since the price tag was way out of my reach–$850 for the wheel with all the accouterments to spin superfine lace yarn. Just as I was despairing, I remembered that Joy (the friend I wrote about in my last blog) had a Suzie and was moving to India soon…so I dropped her a line, and lo! she was willing to sell the Suzie and a big list of attachments for a price within my budget. So that’s settled, and hopefully I’ll be able to pick up the wheel this weekend. I’m psyched.