I was tempted by some auburn suri alpaca on eBay, and I won the auction! Mostly all I want to do is try spinning with some extremely long fiber–it occurs to me that I can probably spin finer with superlong fibers than with shorter ones. This one has a staple length of 8-12 inches, and I’m eager to see how it spins up. I don’t expect to use it in projects, since adult suri tends to be coarse, but it will make a nice “thought experiment” on longer fibers.
I’m having trouble finding space for all my fiber. As fiber stashes go, mine isn’t all that huge–only four or five boxes of fiber–but at the rate I use fiber, it’s a lifetime supply plus some. I really need to cut back, esp. since I don’t believe in dragging around excess belongings. So I will probably sell on the rest of the suri alpaca as soon as I play with it a little. I may see if I can find some long-stapled, fine baby suri for the stash–that I might actually use. (Of course, I have no idea where to find suri cria, but I’m sure some will turn up eventually.)
Made chocolates over the weekend–this year I’m starting early, and making lots of smaller batches rather than one enormous batch of chocolates. I’m starting with the nonperishables, so I made chocolate-covered apricots, chocolate-covered dried pears, chocolate-covered candied ginger (yum!), and chocolate-dipped caramels (my favorite). I made the caramels, of course. 🙂 Next week: maple walnut fudge, lemon-lavender white chocolate fudge, English toffee! I LOVE making candies. (Good thing I don’t like eating them, or I’d weigh four million pounds!)
Speaking of weight, I’ve lost five pounds on my diet! I’m really excited. If I drop ten more pounds I’ll be perfectly happy. 🙂