I signed the lease yesterday and am now happily nesting. Move-in day is March 11, but I have a lot to do between now and then…not least of which is finding furniture! I saved some furniture when I put things into storage, so I have a bed, a wardrobe, and a couple of bookshelves, but I need a dining-room table, chairs, sofa, worktable, etc. –LOTS of “etc.”. And I don’t have a whole lot of money, but I do want something nice…so this weekend I am sifting through secondhand furniture stores and Craigslist. (When I’m not out riding.)
So far I’ve spent an hour or two just standing in the apartment mentally rearranging furniture…the desk goes in the bedroom, and if I turn the futon this way it should leave just enough room for the dressers and snake cage there, and…The one thing I’m sure of is that I want the living room to look nice–I acquired a bunch of beautiful things in my travels and I want to display them on the walls. Two gorgeous handwoven tapestries from Laos, several Tibetan thangka (finely drawn paintings of the Buddha) signed by the Dalai Lama, a 900-knot-per-square-inch silk carpet that is just gorgeous…plus, of course, some of my own work. So I want the living room to be nice.
The garage will be a workroom, and I’m still figuring out exactly how that happens. A worktable, of course, and a rack for storage. A TV (so I can watch DVDs while cycling on the bike + trainer), and a bookshelf. But maybe also a loom? A friend has offered to loan me hers, but I’m not quite sure where I’m going to put it. But I’ll definitely try.
Off to bed–I have to put in 1.25 hours of cycling tomorrow morning as part of my training regimen, and I’m going off to a movie tomorrow night, so I’d best get to sleep.