I’m terribly jealous.
Some old friends of mine moved off to India, as I think I mentioned before. One of them is keeping a blog, and reading through her tales of her escapades and encounters in India and Nepal is making me long for my own carefree days of travel. I would give thousands of rupees to be in her shoes. (Admittedly, the exchange rate is in my favor, since there are currently about fifty rupees to the dollar.)
And yet I wouldn’t. She’s not just exploring, she’s re-settling. So things that would normally be exciting and exotic–like not speaking the language–become a burden: she’s going to have to learn Nepali and Tibetan in order to function at even the lowest levels. Finding someone to speak English with may be a challenge. That kind of thing. I don’t envy her her re-settling, only the gloriously exotic land she finds herself in.
I must go traveling again soon. In another few months I should have enough points on my credit card to take me somewhere exotic, like India. Must go soon.
I’ve found the fabric for my futon cover, I think. It’s a dark burgundy duppioni, with dark burgundy silk strands woven against a very fine black synthetic (?) warp. Not super-heavy, but silk is remarkably strong and abrasion-resistant, so I’m hoping that will be enough. At worst, I suppose I can always make another one.
But I am really psyched about it–it’s going to match the silk wall hangings perfectly, and look oh-so-classy with the dark cherry furniture. I had really wanted a black leather couch because of the style…but a silk futon is pretty cool too.
More later…it’s late, I’m tired, I’m going to sleep.