I am unpacked!!! I am unpacked!!! I am unpacked!!!
I have now gone through, gutted, and thoroughly reorganized all my belongings. Everything is neatly sorted and stacked, except for four or five boxes of garbage which are still lying around and which will eventually find their way into the trash bin. For the first time in quite a few years, I know exactly what I have and where it all is.
I am unpacked.
The apartment, however, still doesn’t feel like home. I haven’t settled into any of the new routines yet; it has a raw, un-lived-in feel to it, rattling around like footsteps on a hardwood floor. About the only thing I’ve done for the past month has been unpack–I still don’t know what happens in each of the rooms, which parts of my life go where. I know where my belongings are, but not yet how to live here.
The rest of my life feels unsettled–everything was on hold pending the move, and then of course I’ve been unpacking, and now the question hangs: what now? I’m not sure which of my craftsy bits I’ll pick back up, whether I’ll get back to work on the book, and what parts Mike and I are going to carve out for ourselves. It’s all unsettled.
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be all settled tonight. Tonight, all that really is settled is that I’m going to be eating raisin bread in about half an hour. I couldn’t take the lack of decent bread anymore, and whomped up a batch of honey-whole-wheat raisin bread in my handy Kenwood stand mixer. Yum.
Maybe that’ll be part of my new routine. 🙂