I am pleased by three things today:
- When I got up this morning, I weighed 139.6 pounds. That’s the first time I’ve weighed under 140 lbs since, oh, about a decade ago. Happy, happy, happy.
- I went on a 40-mile ride today and barely noticed a hill that had been really challenging early in my training. In fact, it was so easy that, at the top, I looked at my ride partner and said, “Let’s do it again!” (We did.)
- Mike made a great suggestion for how to prevent getting stuck again on the book, which I am going to try to implement: just write down all the stories that I know are going into the book, and worry about the organization later. (I have a tendency to start writing, become uncertain exactly where the chapter is going, and then stop writing after about a sentence.)
I’ve also been thinking about priorities, and revamping my somewhat ambitious training plans. Outside of work, I think my priorities are:
- Mike
- the book
- training
- losing weight
That’s the order in which I’d sacrifice them–obviously, I’d prefer to do some of each, but you–or I, anyway–need some kind of structure to help prioritize.
What this translates to in practice is that I will probably sacrifice one of my long rides on weekends to make room for the book/other social engagements, and I may have a somewhat erratic schedule at the gym. I don’t have to get serious about training until October-November (some might say December), so I have room to be a dilettante for awhile. This is the vital window of time during which I can achieve something on the book.
Which means it’s time to stop procrastinating, and go back to work on it.