I suppose it’s time for me to say it: I’m no longer an active fiber artist, I’m a writer. The spinning wheel has sat untouched for over a month now, and I’m only stitching on this cross-stitch piece in the mornings when Mike is asleep and I can’t work on the computer without disturbing him. I haven’t had much urge to play with new fibers, and the pair of socks I started is sitting there half-finished on the computer, and may never get done. I find that I resent the time I spend on fiber arts, because it just doesn’t feel expressive to me anymore. Fiber arts is officially done with, until further notice.
In a way, I’m happy that I’ve become disenchanted with fiber arts of late. I think it was fun, but there’s a very high ratio of fingerwork to creativity in fiber arts, and writing is a bit more expressive. But it seems odd, since I’ve identified as a fiber artist for such a long time, and most of my mailing lists still center around fiber arts. So it’s strange to remove myself (mentally speaking) from that community, and reorient how I see myself.
I’m not saying I’ll never go back to fiber arts (it’s been one of my long-term loves), but in a way I feel like that phase is over for awhile””my focus has clearly turned to writing, and to spending time around Mike. And cycling, of course””which is not at all creative but which is challenging in its own way.
All of which seems particularly ironic considering I just won a $200 credit for a fiber arts festival, and am going down to LA in two weeks to pick up my prize. I have no idea what I’ll buy there with my credits””it depends on what I see. But spending ten hours a week on writing will leave me with relatively little time to play with my new toys.
I’ve started a new blog, this one a private writing diary in which I plan to put free writes and thoughts/notes/observations while writing. (Sorry, no link to this one””it’s private, just my random scribblings!)
I’ve also ordered (and just received) several books on creative nonfiction writing from Amazon.com””hoping that will help jumpstart me into my new craft, writing.