I’ve finished my outline and sent it off to my writing coach to see what he thinks. I am personally inclined to hate it, but after rereading it at the dentist’s today, am willing to admit that it’s not half bad. It’s just not knock-your-socks-off good, either. I wish I had a better idea of what to do with it.
Now I have to write a cover letter and some additional material (promotion plans, etc.), choose which photos I’ll be including, package it all up together, and send it off to a publisher. Probably another two weeks to a month’s work, all told.
I am, however, going to celebrate finishing the outline by putting some work in on the silk tops this weekend. Plans for this weekend include altering the basic top pattern to allow for a longer back and sides, and beginning the crazy-quilt for the flame-colored top. I have also bought eleven yards of silk organza, and am contemplating a shibori (Japanese tied-resist) tutu…wouldn’t that be a hoot? But I’m going to test-market the idea on some silk habotai I have lying around before I go whole hog with the organza.
All in all, I plan to spend a good chunk of Saturday and Sunday playing around with fabric and dyes. I’ve finished my outline, after all!