Well, I’ve now accidentally sideswiped Esmeralda (my pickup). A truck full of steel bars and re-bar stopped right in front of me, and I didn’t leave quite enough clearance, as I didn’t think about the re-bar sticking out the end. The net of it is that Esmeralda now has a long scratch along one of her body panels that is going to cost $1200-1400 to repair.
(I suppose I could just leave her as-is, since the damage is purely cosmetic, but I’m proud of (not to mention fond of) my dear sweet little truck, and I can’t stand thinking that my carelessness caused such a major blemish. So I will have her repainted at the very least, and very probably repaired. Fortunately, I got a quarterly bonus that will pay for it, even though I had intended to use it on other things. Oh well. As I’ve often said, problems that can be solved by writing a check aren’t really problems–not on the order of cancer or domestic violence, for example. This is annoying but not catastrophic.)
No other real news–last night I was too tired to do any writing or fiber arts work. I might have dinner with Lena tomorrow or the day after, though.
Sunday marks the kickoff of the AIDS Lifecycle training rides! I’ve signed up for the 8-mile flat ride, mostly to cheer on a friend who’s just left the couch potato world to start training for AIDS Lifecycle. I’ll probably do my “real” training ride on Saturday, or late on Sunday.