Drafted it up today and am pretty happy with it, except my inability to fit it onto one page. (It’s about five lines over the limit, and I can’t seem to cut it any further.) I’ve fired it off to my writing coach to see what he thinks of it, and also to ask his permission to drop his name to any agents he refers me to. Hope to hear back from him in a day or three.
That does not, however, mean I’m done with the proposal. I’ve still got some cleaning-up to do: there are some areas where I borrowed verbatim from the proposal for the query letter (and hence now have to revise the proposal so it will be different), and I need to clean up the formatting, add my name/contact info in the headers and footers, and quite a bit of other tedious-yet-necessary stuff. I estimate another 2-3 days’ effort there.
But I won’t tackle it tonight. I’m not sure what else I’m going to do tonight. I may just go to sleep: whatever had me down earlier is still dragging at me, and I’m not sure I feel up to anything else creative. (And if you’re not going to be creative, what’s the point in being awake?)
Maybe next weekend I’ll get around to stamping that fabric…