Well, I’m cranky.
(a) I’ve been down for the past two days with a bug that is making me sleep a lot–enough that I decided to work from home yesterday and today. I’m hoping I feel better tomorrow.
(b), which is more annoying: I discovered today that I didn’t dye enough yarn–only about half of what I needed, owing to having misread the directions–and have spent the day hastily dyeing more yarn. The problem is, now I have yarns from different dyelots, and they are probably not going to match perfectly even though the dye formulations are the same. I’m going to have to mix dyelots in the weft, and this is making me cranky. The good news (and what I’m banking on) is that there’s going to be so much going on, color-wise, that it’s likely not going to be too noticeable. The other good news is that because I *did* measure everything out and record my measurements, reproducing the approximate color is a piece of cake. Chalk one up for the scientific background–I’m glad I measured everything!
Mail-ordered a pound or so of 2-ply silk yarn today, planning to dye it or else weave it plain. Haven’t decided yet–will know more once it arrives.
Started measuring out my warp today (that’s how I found out I didn’t have enough yarn–I ran out of the red) and have a couple of warp chains already measured. Red and orange are done, and I’ve done one of the two yellow stripes. I’m hoping I did it right–not looking forward to the tangles if I got it wrong. But we’ll see.
Meanwhile, I stopped by Goodwill and bought some winter clothes–long sleeved sweaters and the like. I bought five of them for about $55. (This was a “Goodwill boutique,” so more expensive. Better quality stuff than usual, though.) I have a real problem with going out and buying stuff in department stores–mostly because clothes there are so EXPENSIVE! I mean, yeah, I’m comfortably overpaid like most people in high-tech, but still, the idea of paying $80-150 for a sweater is a bit ludicrous to me. I’d rather let someone else pay $150 for it and then buy it at a thrift shop for $10. That’s $140 that I can put towards weaving tools, or the book, or ____.
Hope this bug is over quickly–planning (tentatively) to go work out tomorrow morning.