Slept nine hours Friday night (and still needed a nap in the afternoon), slept eleven hours last night, and still feeling kind of run-down and icky–sounds like I’m fighting off some kind of virus. I may sleep some more this morning.
But I have made a few minor bits of progress…I went over and got measured for my fashion-designer friend to make a pattern. He’s pretty busy right now so won’t be able to draft a pattern until mid-November, but at least we’ve gotten the ball rolling. I also stopped by East Bay Vivarium and discovered that they’ll buy baby Brazilian rainbow boas at $75 apiece–that’s half of retail ($150) but a lot less hassle than trying to sell them privately. They’ll also pay $125-150 for Astarte, I’m still mulling that over.
I’ve also selected seven photos to go with my sample chapter, and have been touching them up in Photoshop–converting them to black-and-white, removing splotches, and so on. I’ve started writing my query letter. Haven’t gotten very far on it thus far, but it’s an iterative process–now that I’ve started work on it, I’m fairly certain inspiration will come.
And once the query letter’s finished…I’m DONE!! I’ll have to revise the package to make sure it holds together well, but I’ll be ready to send the package off to agents and publishers.
Which leaves me free to start working on the actual book again…
Anyway, I’m tired and feeling nappish. I still have a 3.5-hour bike ride to do this afternoon, so I’m going back to sleep for a bit. The book (and other creative endeavors) can wait until later.