After much fiddling and guessing-at-PHP-and-CSS, I’ve got it doing more or less what I want it to. I’m still playing with stuff like margins and so on, but I have the sidebars set up the way I like them, the header and footer customized, and I have a working understanding of WordPress. There are one or two additional things I’d like to do, but they can wait until later.
I bought a pair of books on CSS and PHP, but it looks like I won’t really need them…WordPress themes are pretty simple and even a decidedly nonprogrammer type like me can puzzle things out eventually. I’m considering returning them, may do that this weekend.
In other news, three of my projects released simultaneously today! Flash Lite 2.1 for Windows Mobile, Flash Lite 2.1 for Symbian, and Flash Lite 2.1 Update for Flash Professional 8 all went live on our website this morning. I’ve been running around like an octopus on speed the last three days trying to keep up on everything, but it’s finally over! and successfully concluded. I’m pleased. Now I should have some free time to tackle other endeavors.
Starting to read through a book on designing your own weaving drafts.