Esmeralda (my lovely white Ford Ranger) got broken into last night. By some very strange thieves. They took the registration and all the papers out of the glovebox, took the little book I had been using to record gas mileage, and took the stereo face. They did NOT take the cash out of the ashtray, the stereo itself, or anything else that I can tell. Does anyone know if there’s a scam that can be run using a car’s registration? They can’t take the title, I’ve got that.
Anyway, now I need a new stereo. Fortunately they seem to be relatively cheap, and, to improve my mood somewhat, many of them come iPod-enabled.
Did they take the license plates too?
No, they didn’t. Good thought, though…
Idjits. Can’t think of what they could get with the registration paperwork and nothing else, but I suppose it’s worth looking into. You never know. My father has had his license plate nicked not once but twice. Pain in the arse, that.
As for stereos, you are very right, might as well consider it an opportuity. Our car radio/CD gave up on life over the summer (the on/off/volume knob was always a bit loose, finally all the wobbling developed a short and it had 2 volumes: off and ear-drum-bursting loud). I drove it in to Best Buy and for under CDN $200 got a new radio/MP3/CD player that FAR surpassed the original one in the car. We didn’t get one with the IPod dock, but we did get one with a line-in (AUX) jack on the front so that we can plug the IPod in directly.
Even better, they installed it the next day in under an hour AND they were having a “free installation” sale on most of the models. Installation was only about $50 otherwise, still reasonable. I have issues with Bust Buy sometimes, but that made my week, I’ll tell you.
Did they steal your registration stickers? Sometimes they do that to avoid paying registration for a little longer…