So, Lorri and I have agreed to take my two weeks of “vacation” and do a training intensive – not sure what that means yet, can’t wait to find out! And I have decided to take Sharon Alderman’s Mastering Weave Structures and use it as a basis for some fairly intense study. And I plan to study UI design, of course. I think that, between the three of those and cleaning up the apartment, that should be enough to keep me busy for two weeks. (I did briefly consider running off to play in a foreign country, but I hadn’t planned for that financially and I really need to be in the country during my week “on call” for Adobe.)
The Fuzz got his feeding tube out yesterday night, hooray! They didn’t stitch up the hole or anything – just left it to seal itself up naturally. It seems to be doing that fairly nicely.
Oh, and I have ordered a Garmin Edge 305 heart rate monitor/cyclometer/altimeter/GPS unit to celebrate having a new job. It’s supposed to be shipped on Monday and should get to me shortly thereafter. Hopefully I’ll have it during my training intensive.
Off to fold the laundry and make some lamb stew…