I have now finished weaving and wet-finishing the sample for the huck lace shawl, and am about a foot into weaving the shawl itself. Thanks to the end-feed shuttle and my improvised temples, the selvages are even, I have very little draw-in, and the shawl is looking very nice. It’s got a few flaws in it already – one section where the beat is a little loose and one or two sections where the weave isn’t quite even – but on the whole I like it very much.
I’ve got a long way to weave on this shawl, since I set up the warp to do two shawls (one to wear and one to give away, as an Xmas present or something) – so I will probably spend mornings spinning. Or doing dye samples, not sure which.
But the shawl is coming along beautifully, so far.