Just got back from Folsom Street Fair, which is an annual San Francisco ritual and (per their website) the largest BDSM/leather festival in the world. The usual sights were there: men in various states of bondage-undress (bonus points to the fellow wearing 3″ worth of scrotum-stretching metal rings, and absolutely nothing else), dominatrices in tight leather corsets and sporting whips, porn producers, touters of all sorts of whips and chains (including one place selling handspun silk rope!! well, I guess there’s a niche for everything), and so on. Believe it or not, the San Francisco police had a recruiting booth at the fair, too! Only in San Francisco…
Speaking of which, the quote o’the day:
“Well, all I can say is, if God doesn’t destroy San Francisco, He has an awful lot to answer for to Sodom and Gomorrah.” – 84-year-old Baptist preacher, upon seeing the SF Gay Pride Parade while touristing about.
At any rate, the important part of Folsom Street Fair: I have figured out what to wear for Red Dress Day on AIDS Lifecycle! I’m thinking a red silk brocade corset, with red leather tutu or red-and-black silk brocade tutu.
And these people had some utterly gorgeous corsets. Works of art, albeit expensive – $400-800 roughly. I’m going to go visit their SF store this week to garner more ideas about style, etc., and just generally drool.
Obviously I can’t wear a real corset on the Ride – they compress your waist by about 4″, and I’ll need that breath for climbing – but I think I can probably come up with a corset lookalike, that should be sexy-yet-ridable and more classically elegant than naughty. I think. Time to check out corset patterns. 🙂