…but I have gradually returned to the world of the living. Thus far I have:
- sent out eight or nine resumes
- filled out misc forms related to being unemployed (COBRA, etc.)
- sewn two slopers (and probably a third one coming) in the course of checking measurements for my pattern drafting software
- figured out how to use PatternMaster:Celebrations and designed some custom patterns
- finished weaving the first set of placemats (in the washer now)
- made a big batch of cream of tomato soup (my favorite)
- scheduled my first appointment with the personal trainer I paid for back when I was still employed
Not bad considering I’ve been half dead most of the time.
At any rate, I’m just about back to the living (though still sleeping 11+ hours/day),
so in the next day or so I’ll put up the rest of my China photos. I need to do it soon, or else I’ll forget about it.