I did finish the tutu-top yesterday with all the handstitching, but I did not quite finish the tutu itself. I managed to gather and stitch the pleats, and (upon sober consideration) decided to add a bright silver waistband – otherwise it was going to turn into a shapeless sea of pink. I haven’t put on the waistband yet, though that will happen today. After that I will turn to the muslins for either the Victorian gown or the corset – torn between the two, actually. I’d prefer to do the Victorian gown, but the corset will require additional assistance from the lovely folks at Lacis – meaning I should do that first just in case I find myself abruptly employed and unable to visit Lacis. That doesn’t mean I’ll actually do the corset first, though – I am leaning towards the Victorian for the moment.
I am not particularly happy with my slow progress – I had been hoping for faster – but considering everything I was up to yesterday, perhaps that’s the best I can hope for. I spent two hours at the gym, two hours commiserating with an ex-coworker over her crazy job (unemployment is looking better and better 🙂 ), shopped for some food, cooked dinner, sent out a couple resumes, and did a phone screen with a recruiter – but that doesn’t seem like it should have taken all day! I know I didn’t waste any time particularly, but I still feel I should have gotten more done. Well, c’est la vie.
I did think briefly about cutting back on the cycling training and “only” doing AIDS Lifecycle this year (as opposed to all the other cycling things I was planning to do), to save time for other pursuits – then I realized that the training volume for AIDS Lifecycle is only slightly less than the training volume for “all that other stuff”. So, I’m leaving it on the slate for now, though we’ll see what happens. I am not missing AIDS Lifecycle again this year.
This morning I have a phone screen with the hiring manager at an e-learning place in San Francisco – later in the week I expect to have phone screens with a few more places. And I’ve had a couple of recruiters calling me up out of the blue, which is always a good sign. I’m still being fussy about where I send resumes – I’m sending out approximately one a day (which is still a pretty good clip). Next month, if I don’t find a berth before then, I’ll start getting more serious. But I think it’s pretty likely I’ll have something before that.