The Eagles have released their first studio album in 28 years, Long Road out of Eden! I love it. Been listening to it in the car on trips and so on, and am most of the way through the second CD. If you like the Eagles, definitely get yourself a copy. It’s only $11.88 for a two-CD set, available through their website.
The chocolate is almost completely out of the house (the last person is coming by to pick up some mid-morning today, following which I will pack and ship the remnants to three other “vultures”), which means that, after cleanup, I can return to my previously interrupted pursuits. Which, basically, means cycling and sewing. (Weaving is on hiatus.)
I’ve started to work my way through the exercises in Patternmaking for Fashion Design (it gives me something quiet to do in the mornings when Mike is asleep). I’m not convinced that it’s faster to do this stuff on the computer – the software seems to be pretty clunky and the methods of trace, slash, and pivot seem pretty quick to me. The main reason I’m sticking with software is that it is SO much easier to store and find patterns electronically rather than accumulating a pile of paper patterns. Also, it may get easier once I master the software.