The skeins of yarn are now all dry and I am winding them into balls. Sloooooowly. I had forgotten that 8400 yards per pound x 2.2 lbs = over 18,000 yards of yarn to wind! On a hand ball winder. I’ve been winding yarn for four hours now and am only halfway through. Still, I’m persevering. It’s got to be done, and putting it off won’t help.
Here’s a photo of some of the skeins:
It doesn’t do the colors justice, nor the sheen of the silk, but it does give some idea of the color gradation. Very smooth. I’m pleased.
And now, off to wind more skeins of yarn into balls. 8500 yards down, 8500+ to go…
Those skeins of yarn are absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous. Great job!