After two days of solid work, I have completed my oeuvre. Sadly, I have no sunlight to photograph it in at the moment, so you’ll have to settle for two not-too-good photos of it. The first shows the glow of the carnelian cabochon, but is overexposed due to the flash; the second doesn’t show the carnelian well, but does show off the brass and copper nicely. Sorry if the photo looks a little weird; I did some work in Photoshop to restore the warmth of the brass/copper since the light I had for photographing was very blue in cast, but I’m not a Photoshop expert so may have gotten it wrong. It looks OK on my monitor, not sure about yours.
At any rate, here are the pix:
I’m quite parentally proud of this brooch/shawl pin; the carnelian is beautiful and the copper, brass, and silver bezel setting show it off nicely. And it’s mine, mine, all mine!
Mike made a beautiful pendant of which he is equally (and justly) proud – I’ll see if I can get pix for you later.
The Crucible is way cool. Mike and I are agreed that we want to take more classes there.