I have now rewound my light orange warp into skeins, ready for re-dyeing. But I am overwhelmed with the possibilities for the shawl project. I can’t decide whether I want to do something with a larger threading repeat (which would produce wider “stripes” of pattern). I can’t decide whether I want to put that project on hold and weave fabric for an interesting jacket pattern I just bought. I can’t decide what color to re-dye the warp in, or whether I want to try using two colors in the warp with an interleaved threading a la Sandra Rude’s work. I feel like the donkey caught between two bales of hay – I just can’t decide!
This reminds me of a short essay I wrote on choosing your life’s path:
It drove home a point I’d long mulled over, which is that creation is essentially an act of destruction: as you carve away, the stone loses all the things it could have been as it becomes your sculpture. To choose one path is to destroy all the others; and yet, refusing choice leaves nothing but a dumb stone.
I’m currently in a state of confusion, unable to choose which paths to destroy in the road to creation. I guess I’ll just have to choose a couple that look promising, and explore them before deciding to (creatively) destroy the rest. At least for these skeins of yarn.