I took the last two days “off”, spending most of the last two evenings playing stupid video games. Every once in awhile, the brain needs a break, so I took one. Now it’s back to learning PHP/MySQL (page 47 out of ~950). I’ve learned a lot and built a simple app, but nothing to do with the project repository project and nothing to write home about, either. I don’t expect much interesting to happen over the next week or two, while I try to absorb the languages. It’s not particularly hard, just long and with lots of details.
I have a job interview this morning – mixed feelings, as it’s a web producer position and I’m really interested in product management, but it may turn out to be a combined product manager/producer position, which would be of serious interest. So, we’ll see how it goes.
Lisa j says
Have you tried playing Chocolatier yet? It’s great fun and requires some project management skills.
Laritza says
How did it go?
tienchiu says
Just looked up Chocolatier. I’ll have to try it! It sounds really interesting.
The interview went well, at least insofar as I got called back for a second round on Monday. I have another interview with a different place tomorrow – their position sounds more interesting, and I’m very interested in talking with them. But we’ll see how it goes…