This weaving study group is turning out even better than I thought it would! We’re getting eight or ten messages per day back and forth, most full of interesting observations that take considerable thought to fully absorb (remember, I’m a novice weaver). It’s a real challenge and going to be more so as I try to juggle it with my other projects. It feels like drinking through a firehose, and I’m having a hard time keeping up, but I’m learning a lot! This is so much better than trying to puzzle weaving out on my own.
I have just given away nearly all of my back issues of Handwoven (~10-15 years worth – bought from eBay) to a beginning weaver. I haven’t been that impressed by the magazine, and it was taking up lots of precious space on my bookshelf, so off they are going where they will do some good. I did keep a few issues that I thought were particularly notable, though. Now I have room to put out the back issues of Complex Weavers Journal, and the Weaver’s/Prairie Wool Companions! They are much meatier (to the structure weaver anyway) than Handwoven. Weaver’s in particular is great – I went to considerable time and effort to collect all 44 issues, and I think I’m only missing 2-3 issues of the 16 Prairie Wool Companions. I use them as a study tool.
Now, off to investigate MySQL and set up my database. I think I understand how I want to set up the fields, so it’s time to do the basic stuff and get all the tables, relationships, etc. in. Then I can start building my basic form in HTML, and write the PHP to interface with the database.
Cooking roast chicken tonight, this time on a spit that sticks straight up. In theory this allows the chicken to brown nicely on all sides – will be interesting to see if it works. I’ve done my usual trick and slipped garlic slices under the skin on all sides, which produces a nicely juicy, garlicky chicken. Can’t wait to taste it!