Looks like I twisted my ankle worse than I thought: it’s swelling up and it hurts when I put weight on it. I’m not at all certain I can go for a thirty-mile ride tomorrow; it depends on how it feels when I get up in the morning, I guess. I’m taking ibuprofen, staying off it, and keeping it elevated (yes, I know all about RICE!) in hopes that it will feel better in the morning. I’ll probably bandage it up (the compression part of RICE) should I go riding in the morning, even if it feels better.
Meanwhile, all this of course means (faugh!) no more weaving tonight. Which is a pity, because I was on a roll. I’m almost halfway through the goldenrod shawl, and it’s progressing very nicely – still having a few skips and loose threads, but the lease sticks have helped A LOT. I’m already considering plans for a trapeze.
Anyway, as I sit in bed with my ankle elevated, I’m alternately working my way through Chapter 3 of Bonnie’s book for my study group, and reading The Golden Compass. Rare for me to be reading fiction nowadays – I usually find my various craft pursuits to be much more interesting – but since my various fiber arts are out for the moment, I figured I might as well catch up on my reading. It’s a good book, and I’m finding myself being drawn into it. I have the entire three-volume set, so perhaps I’ll read those after I finish this one.
Hopefully the ankle will heal up tonight, though, and I’ll be back to weaving and cycling in the morning. (I sort of doubt it, given how it feels now, but hope springs eternal…)