Since I can’t go cycling, and I can’t weave with my ankle the way it is, I spent most of today sewing. I finished the muslin for the jacket, liked it, and began laying out the pieces on the fabric. Cut them out, trying to keep the stripes matched, and overcast the edges (whew, that was a lot of sewing!). Then I ironed the interfacing onto the front and cuffs, to give them a little more body.
I have now sewn up the body of the jacket and oh, it is wonderful! The feel of the fabric (cashmere and silk) is just divine, and the drape is fantastic. Medium weight, good body. I’ve managed to cut around the more egregious skips (and turn the more obvious ones to the inside) so not too many flaws are showing. The only complaint is that I didn’t quite manage to match up the stripes in front – I think I will try “fudging” it a little and if that doesn’t work, I’ll cut out a new side front. I have about four feet of fabric left over and while I was initially frustrated at the “waste”, now I’m thinking of it as “peace of mind”. I’m glad I wove it; I’ll find a use for it eventually if I don’t need it now.
I have also dyed the silk charmeuse for the lining, which I will sew up tomorrow. I hope to complete it by tomorrow night and have photos to post on the blog.
Whee! Who would have thought being injured could be so much fun.
Oh yeah, and I finished reading The Golden Compass. Good book. Looking forward to the next one.
Taueret says
congrats on the job, sorry about your ankle, and I’m glad you are enjoying HDM.