Just found out this morning that (a) the breast cancer of someone I like very much has gone terminal, and (b) a company I liked very much has picked another candidate. The second doesn’t come close to matching the first, of course, but it’s another bummer. (The only upside there is that they liked me a lot; they said they were planning on doing more hiring and “encouraged” me to apply for other positions.)
I am now working my way through Bonnie’s book and am having a frustrating time designing plaited twills. I can’t seem to get a plaited twill without having either very long floats or a messy-looking drawdown, or (most commonly) both. I’m trying some simplified versions (starting with a plain 2/2 twill, for example, instead of a fancier 3/1/1/1/1/1/2/2/…you get the idea) to see if I can get a handle on what sorts of combinations make for a good plaited twill. There must be some rules in here somewhere.
All in all, makes for a rather sad morning.
Well, time to get to work.
Laritza says
No sadness. You will find an even better job, the twills will work out and your friend well that is a bummer ….
Taueret says
I’m terribly sorry about your friend. The job, well it’s their loss.