Only rode about 45 miles yesterday, as I started encountering mild knee pain around mile 20 – probably the result of a tight IT band and/or tight piriformis muscle. At least, that’s what pain in the outside of the knee usually means. I stopped, stretched out the IT band and piriformis (and did my quads, hams, calves, etc. for good measure), and that helped – but it kept returning on a very mild basis so I decided to turn around early. It’s probably the result of too much training too fast and not enough stretching.
I will probably still ride Cinderella (65 miles, next weekend), though. As long as I do some short rides during the coming week (basically to work and back), go reasonably slowly, and spend time stretching in the rest stops, I think it will be OK. If it isn’t, I can always sag. (Besides, I have a FABULOUS outfit for it already, and it would be a pity for it to go to waste… 😉 )
Today I’m planning a short ride, about 30-35 miles, but will cut it short if the knee pain reappears. I doubt it will, though – I stretched out my piriformis again this morning, and loosened up my IT bands with a foam roller (excruciatingly painful but very effective), so hopefully that will fix it.