Got my final checklists for Cinderella, tried on my various bits and pieces of outfits, and I’m ready to go for the Cinderella Century! Tomorrow I will be up at 4:45am for a 5:45am departure, and hopefully a 6:45am arrival for registration. Registration doesn’t start until 7am, but I’m meeting two friends there, so we need to get together before going down to registration.
Not that I think it will be hard to find me:
It’s the hot pink cheongsam-tutu, eked out with hot pink armwarmers, hot pink fishnet stockings, and hot pink ostrich feathers. And don’t forget the princess’s diamond tiara on the helmet!
The only thing I don’t like about this outfit is that it makes me look fat. Oh well, one must suffer for glamour, I suppose.
This is just one of the seven outfits I’m prepping for The Ride.
And, speaking of that, I made a little more progress on the peacock-feather outfit today:
And now, time for dinner and bed. Gotta make it an early day tomorrow!
Go Tien Go! I know you’re already riding (or done by now), but I just wanted to send great thoughts your way!!