I honestly don’t know where the time has gone. I’ve been off my bike all week, so that’s not it; but somehow my free time has vaporized with nothing much to show for it. Monday evening I spent writing up requirements for the company I’m still contracting for; Tuesday I spent an hour on a conference call with the same company. Wednesday I went to see my bike fitter, Thursday I went to my guild meeting, and now here it is Friday with absolutely no progress on costumery, weaving, training, or pretty much anything else.
Not that I haven’t been busy. I’m just unable to account for where the time has gone! There must have been more hours in the day, but I don’t remember them. I wish I could be more productive.
At any rate, what’s gone is gone. C’est la vie.
Up on deck for this weekend:
- 70-mile ride on Saturday. I’ll probably ride from San Mateo down to Los Gatos and back, and then add on whatever I need to make it a 5.5 ride.
- 3-hour ride on Sunday, followed by a trip to American Cyclery to see about getting my bike tuned up, and possibly getting a new seat-post (again – it’s a long story).
- Continue feather-ing the tutu (nearly done with the green feathers)
- Start reading instructions on how to make a trapeze so I can wind the warp for the handwoven tutu (though I am getting increasingly dubious about my ability to weave it in time!)
- Rewrite requirements for the company I’m contracting for
- Put together a more coherent training plan.
I am getting frustrated because it feels like time is flying by with very little to show. Also, a large amount of my time between now and June is going to be on the bike, so how on earth am I going to find enough time to do all the other things that must be done?? It’s insanely frustrating.
However, sitting here bitching about it isn’t going to get things done. I’m going to go to bed, so I can get an early start on things tomorrow. 8am to the farmer’s market, then a 70-mile ride, then come home and write more software requirements/sew stuff/work on weaving.