While working on getting the threading draft ready (so I can treadle the threading), I realized that I could also generate my good old friend the orange peel design from this threading:
The tie-up is nothing special – it’s a completely random segment from one of the liftplans I was generating – but I find it fascinating how the “line” of the piece can change drastically depending on what treadling you use. I plan to do some more experiments in this vein (including some non-continuous lines in the treadling) just to see what can be done on a single threading.
In retrospect, considering the amazing versatility of the straight draw threading, this should not surprise me, but it does.
On other topics, the website redesign is continuing apace; I have found two designers that I like, and can afford, on odesk.com (which specializes in telecommuting/remote work), and am trying to decide between the two.