It was a pretty brutal week, between work and various social obligations, and after a couple of days of sleep-deprivation, I finally fell into bed last night and slept for eleven hours straight. But I feel much better this morning.
Then I put together my “to-do” list for the next few weeks of chocolatiering. And I started getting nervous. There’s such a lot to do! This weekend I am putting together the silkscreens for the acetate transfer sheets – did a good four hours of image manipulation this morning, and attempted to create the photosensitive silkscreens today. (I say “attempted” because my first attempt went terribly wrong – I think there must have been some oil or dispersant on the silkscreen or something.) Tomorrow I’ll expose the silkscreen that actually worked, and re-screen the one that didn’t.
And then there’s Weavolution, and the redo of the CNCH website that I promised to do. Not to mention a longish bike ride and my friend’s citizenship party, laundry, etc. I have my work very much cut out for me.
Which is, of course, why I spent four hours upgrading my loom, working out the next pattern to weave, tying on, and weaving the first six inches of the next shawl. Despite having eight things to do for every minute to do them in, I was inexplicably drawn to the loom and just couldn’t let go until I’d gotten some weaving done. Fiber deprivation strikes again! But I feel a lot better now, de-stressed and much happier. I’m never really happy unless I’m working with my hands.
This piece is going to be a tour de force of color changes. I’m using the 20 shades of red-fading- to-gold that I dyed for my Liquid Fire project, and am placing the colors very precisely to have the shading line up with the pattern. In most of the project, I’m changing colors every nine picks, or every quarter-inch, so I can get the color changes just right. What the hell – everyone’s gotta have a hobby, and mine seems to be changing bobbins! But I don’t mind, it’s worth it to be able to try this kind of precise experiment with color.
I’d post pix, but I haven’t gotten far enough into the weaving yet. In another few days (or week, depending on whether I have the good sense to work on the things I should be doing) I’ll have a better sense for whether the color changes are working, and I’ll post pix then.
And now that I’ve gotten recharged, it’s off to do some more work with Weavolution. Advertising module, here I come!