Well, the movers came on Saturday and boy, am I glad we hired trained professionals! (Do not try this at home, kids!) It took two guys six hours to pack and move us, and they could carry three boxes at once! They even disassembled and reassembled furniture on both sides. All Mike and I had to do was watch (and provide direction on what box went where).
Needless to say, the minute the last box was in the door I made a beeline for the weaving studio and started unpacking. Mike watched with mixed horror and amusement as I ripped open and unpacked box after box, and finally said, “Umm…don’t you want to relax a bit?” To which I naturally replied, “Relax?? I’m nesting!”
I worked until it was time to go to bed, and then (because I couldn’t sleep well – too much caffeine the night before) got up at 4am and started unpacking again. At 5:30 I started reassembling Sophie-the-loom. By 6:30am, exactly 16 hours after arriving in the new house, the studio was fully unpacked, clean, and organized. Everything else in the house was still in boxes and I was drinking water out of a measuring cup because I couldn’t find any glasses or mugs, but a girl’s got to have her priorities, right? 🙂
The only thing missing was a computer desk, so yesterday Mike and I went to Ikea to shop for furniture. I bought a narrow desk there, assembled it this morning, and presto! I’m done. I still need to organize some stuff into shoeboxes and create a box for the cashmere-coat project, but other than that, it’s finished. And perfect! There isn’t much extra room but it all fits, and it will be a splendid working space.
Here are a few photos – it was hard to capture the sense of the room since it’s too small to get really good photos, but I took a few shots. Make of it what you will!
They’re not pictured in any of the photos, but I also have two bookshelves on the wall opposite the window. One has my weaving and sewing books, the other knitting, natural dyeing, and all other crafts. There’s plenty of space on the bookshelves – I may use some of the space to hold sewing tools.
Needless to say, I’m thrilled by the new space and can’t WAIT to start working in it!
But first, erm, I need to unpack some non-fiber stuff. Cups to drink from, plates to eat from, and clothes to wear! All less important but still good to have. 🙂
Laura says
wow – the energizer bunny has nothing on you! Happy new weaving studio, office and most of all, home……..
Life Looms Large says
Congratulations…..your new space looks great!!
How tempting will it be to work right next to your loom?
Sounds like your move went really well!! Hope you love your new home!
Janet Stollnitz says
Great! All looks super! Hope that all continues to go well!
Bridget says
You, uh, unpacked the cats, right?
Sandra Rude says
Congratulations! I can’t quibble with your priority order. I’m sure you’ll be happy in the new home, with a room allocated to the all-important fiber stuff. Happy weaving! You’ll get to the kitchen when you get hungry enough 🙂
velogirl says
where did you move, Tien?
tienchiu says
Moved to Sunnyvale, so not THAT far – but first time crossing the border into the South Bay!