I’m still working on my bobbin lace samples, but since I have more or less worked out how to read the diagrams, the samples are going much more quickly. I just finished working out the third one and am launching into the fourth. I’m focusing on Bucks Point lace since that’s the style of the design I picked out, but if I have extra time I may go back and do some of the other exercises as well.
Today one of the monarch butterfly caterpillars we rescued from the soon to be mowed meadow started to pupate! Right now it’s just hanging from a leaf, curled up into the shape of a big “J”. (Photo at bottom of post.) Within a day or so it will spin its chrysalis and pupate. Meanwhile, it looks really neat! Already the colors have started changing – the yellow stripes around the head are becoming a dull green. I hope to be around when it spins its chrysalis, though we might be out sightseeing.
On the slate for tomorrow is a visit to Penland, a nationally known craft school which also sports a gallery that is supposed to be quite good. It’s about an hour and a half from Mike’s uncle’s place, so it will be the main thing we do tomorrow.
And now, pretty iPhone photos of the caterpillar and the bobbin lace (apologies for any blurriness, it’s not a very good camera and I haven’t worked out a way to import photos from my larger camera):