This was a variation on the Ocean Sunset shawl, except that I made it with a knitted blank!
Knitted blanks are an interesting concept taught to me by Nancy Roberts of Machine Knitting to Dye For. You knit up a rectangular piece of fabric, dye it, and then unravel it and reuse the yarn. Using this technique you can get gradual color changes WITHOUT having to dye a zillion skeins, and you can get other effects as well (see the “Crazy Colors” shawl for an example). In this case, I dyed a single blank a gradual change from yellow to red and back again to see what would happen when I wove it up!
I am of mixed minds about this shawl. I don’t like the boldness of the lines near the bottom of the shawl, but I like the idea of the gradual color change. I think I may try this idea again, but with a simpler pattern.
Fascinating! (I got here through the dyer’s list)
I worked on a dance piece based on “Alice in Wonderland” about 20 years ago, where the artist who made the unitards used a similar technique. He knit, dyed, raveled, and re-knit in a different scale, adding spandex filament, and made snakeskin and scales and all sorts of amazing things!
I wish I had more info on specifics…..
Gorgeous shading in your weaving. Keep it up!