We finished the redirects today. Travelingtiger.com is officially gone, everything redirects to tienchiu.com . In a few days I’ll point the domain name travelingtiger.com back to tienchiu.com and take down the old content.
I find myself oddly sentimental about the old site – yes, it was clunky to navigate, hard to update, and some people found the orange-on-black text hard to read. But it felt much more personal, artistic-minded, and whimsical to me than the new site, which is more formal/structured.
Yet time marches on, and I wanted to put on a new public face that reflects my seriousness about the fiber arts, and particularly weaving. And I wanted a website that was easier to navigate, easier to read, and easier to update. So here we are! I can’t believe it’s actually finished. I’ll keep the old site as an archive, though, partly for sentimental reasons and partly as a backup, in case I discover that I left something out.
And I got a call from Lucinda at AVL yesterday – they finished fixing my dobby box and it should be delivered today! A 1-day turnaround. How’s that for service??? It turned out that the solenoids were just fine and it was just a few roughed-up rods that needed replacing. So tomorrow I’ll start threading for my samples.