After some uncertainty about our flight, we made it onto our plane and arrived home late last night. I went straight to bed, partly because it was long past my bedtime, and partly because I had had some sort of stomach flu (hopefully not real flu) and had been exhausted, feverish, vomiting, and afraid to eat much of anything all day. Not something I recommend repeating.
Nonetheless, after sleeping a solid 8 hours (in addition to having slept most of yesterday), I’m feeling much better, and considering meeting with my sewing mentor today, as scheduled. (My primary reservation is that I don’t want to infect her, but I’m also not sure how contagious I am – I suspect it was something I ate. I’ll probably call her and ask whether she wants to risk it.)
I should perhaps explain the urgency about this year’s Convergence: one of the requirements for all entries is that they not have been previously published. I would like to write an article for Complex Weavers Journal about the dress, preferably before two years have elapsed, and perhaps submit it to Handwoven. If either is accepted (and I’m pretty sure the CWJ one would be), then the dress will be ineligible for Convergence 2012.
Also, Convergence is happening AFTER the wedding, so I would indeed be the first to wear it. I would definitely not risk shipping it (or anything else!) before the wedding.
I’m still on the fence. I work better under deadline, and I like a good story, so rushing in under the deadline would be kinda fun. On the other hand, if it’s enough work to become a grind (i.e. no fun), that’s no good either. So I think I will make a crack at getting it done in time, and if it doesn’t happen, not worry too much about it. Ditto CNCH, though I think I have a pretty good chance of getting an extension on the deadline for CNCH entries if I need it.
Enough! Off to do some weaving. It’s been a good ten days since I last wove anything and I’m itching to get at it!