I have now woven 5.5 feet of ribbon, and will weave the final 2.5 feet tonight. It’s relatively slow going, because I’m unfamiliar with the double-bobbin boat shuttle, but the ribbon is looking quite good. I expect to complete and wet-finish it tonight. I have also applied the lace to one sleeve, and expect to finish the other sleeve and sew on the pearls tomorrow morning. After that, I’ll do various small chores like attaching the piping to the facing, marking off the edges of the ribbon with basted lines, and sewing up more hem samples for the dress. And then, if I have time, I’ll sew down the lace on the back.
We’re now at T minus 9 days to the photo shoot – and there is a LOT left to do! The lining needs to be put into the coat, the ribbon applied, and the dress and the coat hemmed. Timing is a critical factor: Sharon and I can only work together this weekend, so any task that requires both of us (like pinning up the hem) MUST be done this weekend. This, in turn, means that everything that comes before pinning up the hem must be completed as soon as possible. So we’re planning another work marathon on Saturday, and bless her, Sharon is keeping Sunday free for me in case we need it!
It’s been an intense couple of weeks for me, I have to admit. I’ve been working on the wedding ensemble six or seven hours a day – 3.5 hours in the morning, 1 hour at lunchtime, and another 2.5 hours or so in the evenings. On top of a full-time job, that’s not leaving time for much else. (Fortunately, Mike has been very tolerant of my obsessions.) But I’m really enjoying it…I work well under pressure and it’s much more exciting to be racing a deadline! especially if you are confident you can make it. I am.