I finished putting the trim on the ribbon this morning:
I still think the trim on the neck edge looks heavy-handed, but overall I like the effect, and it looks much better than the neckline without the trim.
I have not yet got the pearls on the bodice arranged to my satisfaction, so I have followed Mary Beth’s advice and printed out several copies of a bodice photo, so I can sketch in the pearl arrangements with a pencil before trying them out on the dress. This will save me from a lot of basting!
Off to work!
Bonnie Inouye says
The coat is beautiful! The arrangement of motifs on the background is very pleasing and I remember how many ways you considered spacing them.
It is not simple to get the larger designs on the band to line up so neatly. This shows that you are beating consistently and always complete exact repeats. (It is possible to have mistakes in treadling while using a computer-assisted loom. Weavers sometimes get distracted, have to back up and resume but misjudge the amount, etc.) You have been weaving under pressure and also have a day job and a fiance and are planning a wedding. This is quite an accomplishment.
Bonnie Inouye in snowbound Maryland
Deb Steinberg says
I’ve been following your progress since the beginning, and haven’t ever commented, but I gotta say – Tien, you are my hero! This is incredibly gorgeous!