Official news from Google Analytics: as of today, the new website has served up 100,000+ pages since its launch on October 5 last year. That works out to nearly 160,000 pageviews per year! About 28% of that traffic goes either to the blog page or the main page; 7% has been people looking at the wedding dress; and an astonishing 2-3% goes to my photographic treatise on washing a hedgehog! (Just goes to show that you can never tell what will be popular.)
I’m very pleased with the success of the new site. It’s much “cleaner” than the previous site, design-wise, and much easier to maintain. I may do some more tweaks to the main page (eliminating the “What I’m Working On” category, for one thing, since I rarely get around to updating those pages until after I’m finished), but overall I’m happy with it.
Meanwhile, I am nearly done beaming on the warp for the doubleweave project, which means I need to spend some serious time designing so I can finalize the threading. I’m finding that as my studies progress, I’m less and less happy with the profile draft I’ve been using – I don’t think it is versatile enough to give me the variation I want. I may go back to my original threading, or I may explore some more stuff. I want to play with network drafting, too! If I use an 8-end initial, the blocks I’ve been using should fall on a network. Now I just need to figure out what network drafting in doubleweave looks like! I think I’m going to hit the books tonight.