Two friends came by yesterday and helped out for about four hours, vastly increasing the output of chocolates. The result was significant:
That’s only about 2/3 of the containers. And more will be coming soon!
And here are some closeups:
If you are wondering about the lack of molded chocolates (as opposed to dipped ones), fear not: there are four molded flavors this year, and they will be done today. Fig and cognac, currant-Cointreau, prune-honey-port, and pistachio-passionfruit-marzipan-honey. I’m particularly curious about the last one – it’s a recipe out of one of Jean-Pierre Wybauw’s book, and it sounds really good!
At any rate, two other friends are coming by to help today, so I may finish (gasp!) early! No frantic 20-hour days trying to finish the chocolates in time, just a very civilized, fun time that wraps up early. See how wonderful it is when friends team up?
Anyway, it looks like I may get all 20 flavors of bonbons completed in time, and possibly even one or two extras. I wouldn’t mind having an extra or two; it means I could drop the less successful flavors from the lineup. Boysenberry was a bit of a disappointment; the flavor mostly vanished under the chocolate, leaving a vague berry undertone that was nearly overpowered by the small quantity of orange marmalade I added as an experiment. And I’m not enchanted with the white tea, and I don’t think I have enough of the saffron to make up all boxes. So I wouldn’t mind being able to drop those. But we’ll see how it goes!
Merna says
Yum! I have fond memories of my Weavolution box of your chocolates. Your pictures are a tasty reminder!