I didn’t do too badly with last year’s goals, as it turns out:
- Get married!!
- Finish weaving and sewing my wedding dress, using couture techniques
- Exhibit the wedding dress at CNCH and Complex Weavers
- More studies of weave structures
- Play with color
- Write a few more weaving articles
- Finish the cashmere coat, hopefully with more assistance from Sharon Bell
- Lose that 20 lbs I wanted to lose last year
In fact I got pretty much everything but the last two finished. I will work on those in the coming year.
Now, what do I want to do in 2011? I think my creative goals are:
General goals:
- Learn to draw/continue studying fine arts
- Begin working in some surface design techniques, and think about how to apply them in the context of handwoven fabric
- Start teaching; submit at least one teaching proposal for Complex Weavers
- Continue my dye studies, focusing on Cibacron F fiber-reactive dyes
Specific projects:
- Finish the cashmere coat, the cherry blossom jacket, and (maybe) the qiviut shawl
- Dye several sets of gradated colors, in 30/2 silk.
- Dye a full set of two-color combinations of Cibacron F
There! I think that’s a reasonable set of goals for the new year. I’m sure other projects will unfold in time.