I finished the first sample panel:
My conclusions:
- I do need to mingle the bouts near the edges, as some striping is evident where the bouts got out of sync. This is most obvious in the left-hand side of the yellow section, but is also visible in the lower right of the red section. It’s much more obvious in person.
- I need to fix some tension issues. The warp was much looser on the side bouts than in the center, resulting in much more take-up – about 4″ over the first 24″ – which meant the bouts got out of sync. I have some ideas of what is wrong and will take steps to fix it in the next set of samples.
- I need to make the transitions between colors more gradual in the knitted blank. There’s some pretty pronounced striping where the color changes happened too fast.
- I’m not sure I like the effect of switching to the silk. The fabric is heavier (at 7000 ypp, it’s nearly 20% heavier than the tencel) and as a result, does not drape as well. Shorter floats may contribute to the effect.
- And – and this is the kicker – I don’t like the colors. They’re too bright; they make me think of summer flowers, not autumn leaves. Compare it to the original sample in tencel:
At this point I am not quite sure what to do next. Do I continue on in silk, or switch back to tencel? Do I try a sample in 60/2 silk (for a lighter fabric), using the old color set? I am baffled by the options. I am going to take a day or two to meditate on this, and meanwhile work on my Handwoven article. But I have the feeling I will go back to the tencel, and weave (yet another) sample, in the original colors, this time at full width.
Kaaren Reid says
Maybe someone has already mentioned that since “You don’t like the colors” – you can overdye it for another project or salvage this one.