Yesterday I finished threading, sleying, and tying on, and also threw the first few picks before we went out to dinner:
I am still weaving the header, as you can see; as soon as the warp evens out a bit and the bouts are fully separated, I’ll start debugging the warp. Hopefully there shouldn’t be too many threading/sleying errors – it’s threaded up straight draw, which is easier to thread/correct than a more complex threading!
Here is a shot of the warp on the trapeze:
The ties for the registration marks are at the top (enlarge the photo to see them more clearly). I have got them lined up to within about 1/2″ of each other. See how that lines up the warp color changes as well?
I’m a little concerned about the splotches of orange in the yellow/gold sections, and whether that will result in visible vertical lines at the edges of the bouts. If it turns out to be a problem, next time I will do as Julie suggested a few blog posts back and interpolate the bouts – one thread of one bout, one thread of the next bout – either through the entire bout or just at the edges, to blur them a little.
But on the whole, I’m happy with the setup. Now let’s see what happens when I actually start weaving!