Just a quick note to say that I wrote a tutorial for using Illustrator for flat pattern drafting. I decided to put it in a newly created “Techniques and How-Tos” section (and yes, it’s pretty ironic that the first entry in the “Techniques and How-Tos” under weaving is really about sewing!). I hope to fill out this section over the next couple weeks with some of the technical things I’ve previously written about.
A couple people so far have mentioned that they like the blue-purple better because it balances out the blue-purple in the dark panel. I’m going to meditate on this some more and then see what Sharon thinks. I think it would be a good idea for me to weave up some fabric in blue-purple and some in red-purple, to see what it actually looks like. Julia was right in that the glossy sample fabric is a bit distracting. The actual fabric will be the same as the body fabric – maple leaves and all – but solid colored rather than changing color through its length.